Teacher gifts help a teacher feel appreciated for all the work they put into students during the school year. I like to get gifts for them at the beginning of the year to start the year off on a positive note. I want them to know that I’m here to support them and encourage them….
Back to School for Stay At Home Moms
Is the impending doom of back to school starting to descend upon you? Are you ready for the kids to go back to school, but also dreading the idea at the same time? I hope this article will help you get ready a little easier and help to decrease your stress and mental load. We…
Board Games for Toddlers
Finding board games for toddlers is sometimes tricky. I want to find a game that will keep them interested for longer than 5 minutes, but that wont take up hours of my time. I especially love games that occupy them without actually having to have me play too. That is a major bonus! Granted I…
Spring Books for Kids
I love to bring out seasonal books for my kids. They come out during liturgical seasons, but they also come out during the physical seasons of the year, too. I will admit that Spring and Fall are the easiest seasons for me to remember to bring them out at the right time because of the…
Pregnancy After Miscarriage
Pregnancy after a miscarriage can be a really confusing time. On the one hand, you’re looking forward to this new little life within you, on the other hand you’re terrified to lose it like the last one. On the third hand you are still mourning your previous loss (because you always will) and on the…
Stations of the Cross with Kids
Stations of the Cross is such a beautiful expression of God’s love for us. Although it can be said and followed all year round we try to say it weekly during Lent. Our parish has Stations of the Cross every Friday and typically that is the day we say it, but with 5 children all…
Easter Books for Kids and Toddlers
My favorite part of Easter baskets (other than the candy, of course) is getting my kids good wholesome books to add to our Library. I like it to be a wide variety of Christ-centered, faith-based, and seasonal books as well. Some of them we bring out when Lent starts to help my children understand what…
Healing After Miscarriage
I can’t tell you or anyone how to heal after miscarriage, but I can tell you what has helped me. I lost my baby to miscarriage 18 months ago. The first few months were so incredibly difficult and although every day is still hard I have found a few ways to incorporate my little Frankie…
Breastfeeding Essentials
Breastfeeding Essentials- From an Experienced Breastfeeding Mom of 5 You read that title correctly. I have five children and I have breastfed all of them. Each child and each experience were vastly different from the other. They were all exclusively breastfed for different amounts of time too. My first nursed for 6 months, my…
The Best Catholic Mom Podcasts
I became a huge podcast junky starting in the winter of 2020 when I was super pregnant with my 4th baby and wanted to watch less TV, but still have some sort of entertainment. It was during Lent that I was determined to find good Catholic podcasts that would help me become a better SAHM….