Making sure that our homes have the right aesthetic or look is generally pretty important to most homemakers. As a Catholic, I love that people can tell from the first glance inside my home that we are Catholic. It is important to me that our home reflects our lifestyle and that lifestyle is directly related to how we live our lives as Catholics.
There are certain aspects of our home that contribute to this overall feel. You don’t need any of these items to be Catholic, but it helps us remember who we are, and why we are here.
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1. Crucifixes
Firstly, most Catholic homes I have ever been in have had a crucifix in every room. Obviously, this is not necessary, but there should be at least one crucifix in your home. The crucifix is an important symbol in the Catholic religion. It depicts the death of Jesus on the cross. The death of Jesus on the cross was His ultimate sacrifice for the human race.
We have a crucifix in every room of our house, minus the bathrooms. It doesn’t make me more Catholic than someone who only has one crucifix for sure, but I like that we have this reminder of our Lord no matter where we go in our home.
I also love that there are so many different depictions of the crucifix to choose from so you can really pick the one that fits that room. There are some truly gory representations and some that are a bit more tame. We like the ones that have some blood so show the true passion of our Lord, but without scaring the children.
2. Holy Water Fonts
These are the perfect addition to any Catholic Home. All you have to do is add holy water and bless yourself when entering. We also have a holy water font outside the bedrooms so we can bless ourselves and our kids before bed as well. We got this beautiful Holy Family holy water font from Amazon.
3. Religious Artwork
I love religious artwork. You can find amazing artwork, affordably that fits your taste. I love Catholic artwork because you can find paintings, pictures, and sculptures of your favorite saint, of the Blessed Mother Mary, or our Lord. There are so many places you can find it too. I have found great quality artwork on Amazon, on Etsy, and even Burlington.
In the majority of Catholic homes I’ve been in there is almost always a picture of the Last Supper fittingly in the dining room. We have a gorgeous picture of the Last Supper in what would be our dining room with the most ornate frame that we got from Burlington when we were first married 10 years ago from Burlington. We’ve also been very fortunate to have won a few beautiful art pieces in our parish St. Joseph’s Feast Day Auctions a few years in a row. We’ve also purchased some on Etsy as well.
Many Catholic homes also include a statue of our Lady. Usually in the yard, either the front or the back as a symbol of her protection over the home. Ours sits at the top of a hill in our backyard. We were so grateful (and so were the previous owners) when we asked if it was included with the house. The owners (who were the children of the elderly couple that lived in the house) said that their mom and dad (who had recently passed) would have been so happy to know that our Lady was looking after a new family. It meant so much to us. So she stands there looking after us, with our miscarried little one’s memorial rock at her feet. I look up at that hill and know that she and my little Frankie are always with us.

That’s the beauty of religious artwork. It brings us to a place where prayer is easy and imagining Heaven is as simple as looking up the hill and seeing Mary.
4. Epiphany Chalk Blessing
This is such a wonderful tradition in the Church. Every year on the feast of the Epiphany the Church blesses chalk that the parishioners can use to bless their homes. They bless each doorway to the outside with the first the following 20+ C + M + B + 25. According to it states, “The letters C, M, B have two meanings. They are the initials of the traditional names of the three magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They also represent the Latin words “Christus mansionem benedicat” which means “May Christ bless the house.” The “+” signs symbolize the cross and the 20 and the 21 represent the year, 2024.” This year it would obviously end in 25 because of the current year. If you would like to learn more about the blessing click the link.
Anecdotally, in the recent LA fires, there has been a story circulating that a house in the heart of the fires was left untouched after it’s owners had used the Epiphany blessing the day before, whereas every house neighboring it had unfortunately succumbed to the flames. I definitely believe in miracles and firmly believe that the story could be true.
5. Family Bible and Kid Bibles for Families
Bibles are a staple in Christian homes. Knowing and learning the Word of God is so important for all. Catholics have their own translations that they trust that usually include the Vulgate and the Douey-Rheims. We own this one, that we bought from Amazon when we first got married and it has been so wonderful in enriching our knowledge of the written word. It is a hard back and heavy duty, which is nice for a family with rambunctious kids. It stays on our family altar for when the occasion presents itself.
We also have a few kid bibles that have also been very nice for introducing the stories of biblical heroes to our children. These are our top three that our kids have most enjoyed.
6. A Home for Rosaries
We try and say a family Rosary every night together. Sometimes we only get a few decades in and sometimes we go for a Rosary walk or even a drive depending on the weather and our schedule. We have a special drawer in the cabinet that our Family Prayer Altar sits on that we keep all of our rosaries. Each of us have at least one personal rosary. Some have more than one. Throughout the years our kids have been gifted rosaries that their grandmother has made by hand in their favorite color, some have been bought for special occasions like Easter or First Communion. Having a dedicated spot is very important so we always know where to find them. I have seen beautiful wall decor for the rosaries to hang like this one on Amazon too.
The Rosary is such a powerful prayer that combines prayer and meditation. For tips on how to say the Rosary with young kids check out this article.
7. Prayer Space
There are so many different ways to have a dedicated space for your family to gather for prayer. It doesn’t need to be crazy ornate or really much of anything at all. You don’t need a dedicated family altar like we do, but we do find it easier for our children when kneel down as a family in the same place, in front of a crucifix or our Family Altar with its statues and religious pictures for the current liturgical season. It helps remind our kids to keep focused on our Lord.
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This post isn’t meant to criticize or make you feel less than if you don’t have all of these or even if you don’t have any of this. None of it makes us Catholic. I just find it easier to live my Faith when it represented around me. When I can remember that our Lord is always there because I see his face on every wall. It reminds me to pray and it reminds me not to sin.
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