Finding activities for kids to do in the Spring may not be difficult, but I do enjoy making bucket lists for to do with my kids. Here are 60+ Spring activities and some links to fun activities to do, as well as bucket lists you can print and use yourself. The Spring activities are sorted…
Author: NurturingLittleSaints
Lent With Kids
Lent with kids can be a difficult balance, but bringing our children into our Lenten journey is so important. Making sure that it brought to their level can be hard. 40 days of sacrifice and growing darkness can seem too hard for our children to handle or comprehend. Additionally, our children understand more than we…
Catholic Home Aesthetic
Making sure that our homes have the right aesthetic or look is generally pretty important to most homemakers. As a Catholic, I love that people can tell from the first glance inside my home that we are Catholic. It is important to me that our home reflects our lifestyle and that lifestyle is directly related…
My 2025 Booklist
My New Year’s goal for 2025 is to read 3 books a month. That equals 36 books. It sounds like quite the feat, but I am determined to accomplish it. I do realize that as a mother of 5 kids, soon to be 6, life gets chaotic and 3 books a month may not happen,…
Goals for 2025
I choose to do goals rather than resolutions and it may be a personal/temperamental preference. Resolutions are intimidating for me. I used to be all or nothing, but once my resolution failed, I gave up. Goals give me more flexibility and don’t seem as rigid. It’s just a perspective change, but it helps keep…
Christmas Gift Ideas for Toddlers
Finding Christmas gifts for toddlers can seem easy until you take into consideration the clutter aspect. My clutter threshold (or how much clutter I can handle without becoming overwhelmed) is pretty low. The ideal gifts for my kids would be religious based, consumable, or something I would enjoy doing with them. Here are some of…
Fall Activities for Kids
The leaves are changing. The temperature is dropping and it is time to start brainstorming fall activities to do with the kids. I especially like making seasonal bucket lists for the kids because I like to live my life according to the seasons. Whether that is the season of the year or different season…
Living Liturgically- October
Living Liturgically looks different to every family and in different seasons. October has some of my favorite feast days, so it seemed fitting that this would be the first month that I tackle in this new series of mine. I want to give credit where credit is due and the idea of this post comes…
Catholic Motherhood Quotes
Motherhood can be so difficult. The ups and downs of motherhood can make you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster. One minute everything is seemingly perfect and then it all falls apart. I love to read books about great mothers who figured it out. None of them, sans Mother Mary, were perfect, but everyday they…
After School Routine
Having an after school routine is so important and pivotal to how well my house functions during the school year. We aren’t strict with this and some days call for a more lenient approach, but I found my children thrive with routine. This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at…